Information Technology Enterprise Solutions - Software 2

Program Name: ITES-SW2 Vendor: Vertosoft LLC
1602 Village Market Blvd. #215
LeesburgVA 20175
Award Date: 31 Aug 2020      
Contract Number: W52P1J-20-D-0067 UEI: Business Type: Small Business Expiration Date: 30 Aug 2030
Classification: Small Business

Primary Goods and Services: ITES-SW2 includes COTS IT software products in the following 14 catalogs: Audio & Visual, Business & Finance, Communication, Database, Education, Internet, Modeling & Simulation, Multimedia & Design, NetOps, Office Suite, Operating Systems, Programming & Development, IT Utility & Security, and Specialized. ITES-SW2 also allows customers to fulfill a total solution requirement by adding related incidental services and/or hardware.

Ordering Open To: Army,DoD and other Federal Agencies

Ordering Instructions:

Requests for software under ITES-SW2 are submitted via theCHESS RFQ or RA tools. Army customers must follow the software order ofprecedence which is: Joint Enterprise License Agreements (JELAs), EnterpriseLicense Agreements (ELAs) and Core Enterprise Technology Agreements (CETAs),first. Then, depending on the acquisition strategy, Army customers may utilizethe ITES-SW2 contracts or DoD Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) BlanketPurchase Agreements (BPAs). Army customers arerequired to submit and receive a Command-level ITAS approval for all ITpurchases to facilitate Army tracking of IT Spend. In addition, if Army customerswish to purchase outside of CHESS they must obtain a Statement ofNon-availability from CHESS and a HQDA-level ITAS Approval. Note thatpurchasing from a J/ELA, CETA or DOD ESI BPA is considered purchasing throughCHESS. See the CHESS FAQ page for further information.

Points of Contact


CHESS Customer Support Team


Contract Manager
Michael DiPlacido
Phone: (571) 799-9562


ACC-RI Contracting Specialist
Wendy McFee
Phone: (309) 782-2248
