CB Exceptions
Organizations will use CHESS, to the maximum extent possible, to purchase COTS software, desktops, and notebook computers and all other IT regardless of dollar value. If a requirement cannot be satisfied utilizing a CHESS contract, a Statement of Non-Availability may be granted allowing the purchaser to acquire COTS software and/or hardware from GSA or another approved source.
Exception Process
All desktops and notebooks shall be purchased during one of the CB ordering periods that occur three times annually (Oct/Jan, Feb/May, and Jun/Sep). CB exception memos are prepared by the requiring activity and are approved by an 06 or GS/15 (or equivalent) within the requiring activity. A request for a blanket exception for the CB for an entire organization may only be approved by the Army CIO/G-6.
CB Exception Criteria
Exception memos are only required when purchasing a notebook/desktop outside of Consolidated Buy.
Non-CB Configuration Requirements - Required desktop or notebook configurations and/or capabilities differ substantially from the CB designated configurations and cannot be satisfied by the inclusion of upgrades and/or peripherals offered on the CB.
Mandatory OCONUS host-country agreement requires items not available through the CB.
Prepare a CB Exception Memo following the guidelines below:
1. Prepare on customer activity letterhead with address include the following:
Subject: CB Exception
Description of required products and quantities
Explanation of exception criteria: (e.g. If mission critical - what is the impact of
waiting for next CB or if non-CB configuration - why your requirement cannot be
filled with a CB product)
Point of Contact
Approver’s name, title, grade/rank, location and signature.
2) The contracting officer or ordering officer (including purchase card holders) placing the order shall maintain a copy of the approved exception in the contract order file. Provide a copy to CHESS:
Email (Subject: CB Exception) as attachment to: armychess@army.mil
NOTE: CB exceptions are approved by the requiring activity and do not require CHESS approval.
Statement of Non-Availability Process
Prior to requesting a Statement of Non-Availability customers must determine if CHESS contracts can provide the required IT products. Before requesting a Statement of Non-Availability, you MUST verify that your product is NOT on a CHESS contract or DOD Enterprise License Agreement (ELA). Statement of Non-Availability requests cannot be processed without this verification. You may obtain verification by following the methods described (in the Statement of Non-Availability Request area) below:
Hardware Products
Send a Request for Quote (RFQ) to the ITES-3H vendors by utilizing the CHESS RFQ Manager tool.
Software Products
DOD Enterprise Software Agreements (ESA) are listed on the DOD-Wide Enterprise Agreements page. Please click on the associated ESA link to obtain additional product(s) information and vendor POC information. http://www.esi.mil/default.aspx
Contact the vendor to verify product availability.
Customers can request a Statement of Non-Availability through the CHESS website by accessing the Statement of Non-Availability link below.